Desperate Measures Official Trailer

Desperate Measures Coming to screens near you, Chol Hamoed Pesach 2021! Yanky, a 15 year old boy is trying desperately to save his father’s life and is willing to sacrifice whatever it, not to loose him. Directed by Boruch Perlowitz (known from his previous best seller films, The Edge and The Skull Of A Genius) […]

I Need You Now, Yosef Giniger- From the movie Desperate Measures

I Need You Now, an original song written and composed by the talented Malky Giniger, for the Movie Desperate Measures. The song is performed by Yosef Giniger, The lead actor in Desperate Measures. Performed by: Yosef Giniger Written and composed by: Malky Giniger Music by: Shloimy Salzman Recorded at: C-note studio Produced by: Boruch Perlowitz […]

Homecoming! A Story by R’ Pinny Rubenstien

Once again, R’ Pinny Rubinstien brings to us a beautiful heartwarming story just on time for Rosh Hashana (883)

Inside ArtScroll – Episode 2:11: Avodas Hakorbanos with Rabbi Yoav Elan and Daniel Rubin

Written by the Chafetz Chaim‘s son-in-law, Rav Aharon ben Rav Yosef HaKohen, Sefer Avodas Hakorbanos offers a clear exposition of the avodah in the Beis HaMikdash, including all the korbanos. ArtScroll’s Avodas Hakorbanos – Friedman Family Edition contains an elucidated English translation, including an explanatory introduction to each paragraph, notes and diagrams that make the beauty of the Beis HaMikdash services accessible to all of us. This Inside ArtScroll interview features […]

Leil Shishi with Boruch Perlowitz and Michoel Schnitzler

In this Leil Shishi, Boruch Perlowitz interviews super star Michoel Schnitzler. Michoel talks about his career, his personal life and most of all his love for our fellow brethren. Michoel also discusses his latest album which had just recently been released, Der leibidigeh sifrei Torah. The show is hosted by Boruch Perlowitz and produced by […]

The Journey of Silence-Bonei Oilam Shvues, Benny Friedman, Shira and Yiddish Nachas

Here is an excerpt from the Journey of Silence Production for Bonei Oilam of Lakewood. This section of the production, depicts a childless father on Shvues. The production was with Mendy Hershkowitz band featuring Benny Friedman, MBD, Boruch Levine, Shira choir and Yiddish Nachas Boys Choir. The show was produced by Boruch Perlowitz. (2447)

Recapturing The Old City and The Kosel during the Six Day War

This video describes the battle that lead to the Isreali capture of the old city of Jerusalem and the Kosel, During the Six Day War (1992)

Inside ArtScroll – Episode 2:9: Interview with Bestselling Author Rabbi Yechiel Spero

Bestselling author Rabbi Yechiel Spero has enthralled readers and audiences across the world for two decades. Few people tell a story like Rabbi Spero does, as his style of writing and speaking, flavored with experience, fervor, and humility, make his vignettes a rich resource for all. In his latest offering, Rabbi Spero gives us a new understanding of Yosheiv Beseiser through his […]

A Yid, Benny Friedman- Acapella version

After the amazing success of the inspirational song, A Yid. Benny made an  Acapella version of the song for his sefira album, wispers of the Heart 2 (5055)

Thusday Night Live with Yaakov Berger and Boruch Perlowitz

In the Thursday Night live, Boruch Perlowitz has an interview with Yaakov Berger, famed  comedian and actor. Thursday Night live is hosted by Boruch Perlowitz and produced by Moshe Grunfeld. (18112)
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