Home Inspiration Inside Artscroll with R’ Yosef Chaim Golding

Inside Artscroll with R’ Yosef Chaim Golding


On the eve of Auschwitz Liberation Day (January 27, 1945), this newest episode of Inside ArtScroll (Episode 2:3) features an interview with Rabbi Yosef C. Golding, author of the best-selling Holocaust chronicle, Faith Amid the Flames: The story of Reb Yosef Friedenson and the Kiddush Hashem he witnessed and created.

In this episode, host Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger speaks to Rabbi Golding about his late father-in-law and the world-wide reaction to this book, as well as the lessons he gained from his decades at Agudath Israel of America, as Executive Director of RCCS, and as COO of the Siyum Hashas. This is an important conversation for now, and for all generations to come.


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